
Vol.136 No.5 (2023)
Journal of Bioscience and
 出版社  (社)日本生物工学会

〒565-0871 大阪府吹田市山田丘2番1号
TEL 06-6876-2731
FAX 06-6879-2034
URL https://www.sbj.or.jp/

Enzymology, Protein Engineering, and Enzyme Technology

Application of recombinant human pyruvate kinase in recombinase polymerase amplification
Kenji Kojima, Kenta Morimoto, Kevin Maafu Juma, Teisuke Takita, ... Kiyoshi Yasukawa

Enzymatic and selective production of alkyl α-d-glucopyranosides by the α-glucosyl transfer enzyme derived from Xanthomonas campestris WU-9701
Wei Cao, Risa Watanabe, Yoshitaka Ishii, Kohtaro Kirimura

Microbial Physiology and Biotechnology

Mead acid production by disruption of Δ12-desaturase gene in Mortierella alpina 1S-4
Hiroshi Kikukawa, Akinori Ando, Asuka Hannya, Mohd Fazli Farida Asras, ... Jun Ogawa

Process intensification for the production of a C-tagged antimicrobial peptide in Escherichia coli - First steps toward a platform technology
Carolin A. Lappöhn, Arne M. Oestreich, Robin Stei, Linus G. Weber, ... Michael W. Wolff

Microbial glycosylation of antitubercular agent chlorflavonin
Jie Ren, Jixun Zhan

Brewing and Food Technology

Chitosan-based coating enriched with melezitose alters primary metabolites in fresh-cut pineapple during storage
Muhammad Maulana Malikul Ikram, Sastia Prama Putri, Eiichiro Fukusaki

Efficient removal of purine compounds from solutions via biomass carbons derived from pomelo peel
Dai Di Chen, Qingxin Li, Jin Chuan Wu

Biochemical Engineering

Dilution rates and their transition modes influence organic acid productivity and bacterial community structure on continuous meta-fermentation using complex microorganisms
Tomonori Koga, Mitsuoki Ishizu, Kota Watanabe, Hirokuni Miyamoto, ... Yukihiro Tashiro

Cell and Tissue Engineering

Effect of co-overexpression of the cargo receptor ERGIC-53/MCFD2 on antibody production and intracellular IgG secretion in recombinant Chinese hamster ovary cells
Yutaka Kirimoto, Noriko Yamano-Adachi, Yuichi Koga, Takeshi Omasa

Expansion of human mesenchymal stem cells on poly(vinyl alcohol) microcarriers
Masahiro Kaneko, Airi Sato, Satoru Ayano, Akio Fujita, ... Akira Ito

Biomedical Engineering

Transplantable cell-encapsulation device using a semipermeable ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer membrane in a mouse diabetic model
Masahiro Kaneko, Hiroaki Moriguchi, Ryo Futatsubashi, Satoru Ayano, ... Akira Ito

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